Attend classes online!

在Montco,我们已经在网上教育社区超过20年了. 超过 10,000 students take online courses at Montco every year; this ranks us in the top ten of online colleges in the state.

Blue circle icon with white laptop 我们 top 10 in online course delivery*
Purple icon of person teaching to a class An average class size of 14 means more personalized attention from dedicated faculty
橙色图标和白色箭头环绕毕业帽 With numerous transfer opportunities to explore, you can seamlessly transfer 从蒙科到我们的四年制合作学校



Online class formats

Blue icon of a computer monitor and calendar
    • All course activity is completed online
    • 您必须在特定的会议时间登录远程上课
    • 教师在预定的上课时间出现在镜头前
    • There are no requirements for on-campus activities
    • Once available, refer to the syllabus for details*
Red icon of a video screen
  • 所有课程活动都是在线完成的,没有特定的会议时间
  • 你可能需要参加虚拟的教师会议或小组工作
  • 参考 syllabus for full details
  • There are no requirements for on-campus activities
  • Once available, refer to the syllabus for details
Purple icon of a person and a computer monitor
  • Course activities take place both:
    • 在指定的日期/时间进行校内课程
    • 根据发布的时间表在线(异步或同步)
  • 在校内上课期间,教师们都在校内教室上课
  • Once available, refer to the syllabus for details
  • 课程活动在指定的日子/时间进行 可选择在校或同步在线参加.
  • 在校内上课期间,教师们都在校内教室上课.
  • Once available, refer to the syllabus for details

课程大纲将在不同时间提供给学生. Please check for 教学大纲更接近每门课程的开始日期.



Frequently asked questions

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What is online learning?

与传统的校园课堂教学不同,在线学习者可以独立学习 at home using computers and technology. Faculty members provide instruction and guidance 通过我们的学习管理系统(LMS) Canvas提供的各种工具: 在线讨论,视频讲座,测验和作业. Online courses have 与传统课堂课程的要求和结果相同.

大多数类都将在Canvas上,但是可以使用基于 instructor's discretion.

Do I ever need to come to campus?


  1. 你的导师要求进行“监考”测试或考试. You will be advised by your instructor.
  2. Your class is a 混合动力,这既需要在课堂上坐着,也需要在网上完成作业. You will be advised by your instructor.


同步 在线课程是指那些包含规定的、固定的会议时间的课程. Instruction and lectures occur in real time (live) at a set hour. You must be online at that specific hour to participate.

异步 在线课程是同步在线课程的对立面. Instructors provide 可以随时访问的材料、讲座、测试和作业. 通常 你有一个时间框架——通常是一周的窗口期——在此期间你需要 log in to the learning management system (e.g., Canvas) to complete coursework.


在线课程需要基本的计算机技能. These skills include sending 接收电子邮件,文字处理,在文件中剪切和粘贴,切换 between applications and using email attachments. In specialized courses, other skills may be required.

When do online classes begin?

Online classes open at 12:01 a.m. on the first day of the semester. Sometimes an instructor 是否会在开课前提供课程,但不是必需的 这样做. 一旦课程打开,一定要登录画布并熟悉自己 与课程和作业时间表,以确保你不会落后.

查看 academic calendar 和重要的 dates and deadlines.

Do online courses have a set start date?

是的,在线课程的授课长度各不相同.g., 15- or 7-week sessions) 并根据每节课的开始日期开始. You will have deadlines and 在所有类型的课程中,随着学期的进展,你需要满足的截止日期, whether synchronous, asynchronous or 混合动力.

How will my instructor contact me?

你应该在上课前或第一天收到老师的电子邮件. 其他联系和反馈的方法包括电话、讨论板、电子邮件 and notes within assignments.

How do I access Canvas for remote classes? Do you have any tutorials?

参考 Canvas Student Resources 页面获取有关Canvas应用程序和教程的信息.


请在上课前查看计算机要求和支持的浏览器 to ensure you are prepared for class.

In need of a computer or technology assistance? Complete the form.

  • PC (Windows 7/8/10) OR Mac (iOS 10.6+) -我们不建议使用ipad、chromebook & 表面等.
  • High-speed internet connection
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print PDFs
  • Most classes require a microphone and webcam
  • Office 365 -免费提供给所有蒙科学生
  • Web Browsers:
    • Firefox is recommended
    • Chrome is compatible with most functionality
    • Internet Explorer 11+ is supported
    • Microsoft Edge is supported
    • Safari 6+ is supported


你应该花在每门在线课程上的时间可以是 以下是根据你的课程周数得出的结论. The numbers below assume a 3-credit class. 请注意,实际的学习时间因学生而异.
  • 15-week – 10 hours / week
  • 10-week – 13 hours / week
  • 7-week – 18 hours / week
  • 6-week – 21 hours / week


该学院与该州数十所公立和私立学校签订了协议, providing multi-faceted transfer opportunities 使您更容易快速轻松地浏览转账过程.


无论你是想找人帮忙整理笔记,写论文还是做笔记 a test, our tutors are available to help you. 我们免费提供 辅导 services as well as 24/7 online support! Our tutors work with you to develop strategies based on your unique learning preference.

Can students with disabilities take online courses?

蒙哥马利县社区学院致力于所有学生的成功 确保学生有平等的机会参加学校的教育项目、服务和活动 残疾学生,无论是在线还是在校. After you apply for admission, please contact Disability 服务 并安排一次咨询,讨论我们如何为您提供最好的服务.



We're here to support you

看看我们的学生资源,从经济援助方面为你提供支持 to technology needs to free 24/7 online 辅导.
Explore scholarships and financial assistance  
Reach your academic goals  
Learn about resources for students  



 Ready to Register? Current students can register in 自助服务.


*根据IPEDS的数据,Montco是公立2年和公立/私立的前10名 四年制学位授予机构在宾夕法尼亚州的学生数量 taking online courses.